Friday, March 9, 2012

An open letter to a Slut

For three days 2 weeks ago, Rush Limbaugh felt it necessary to degrade Sandra Fluke, a law student at Columbia who was speaking in front of House Democrats on behalf of a fellow student who, because of an inability to pay out of pocket for contraception, lost an ovary.

How do I start, do we start at "Hey Rush, this is the last straw in your long, never ending string of misogynistic rants?" The knee jerk emotional reaction? Okay, let's go there first,

An open letter to Rush:

Rush, you are and always had been a pathetic blowhard who never matured passed the age of 14. Your taunts are that of an awkward kid whose body proportions and hormones are torturing him inside and out. You 'like' girls, but you hold a strange Madonna/whore complex close to your heart even though you live in the wrong decade for this kind of thinking. Sad, Rush, pathetic. But the worse part Rush, is you get paid to say these things and you have a lot of listeners who think you are God. Unlike other pundits who have said disgusting things about women, you go after a private citizen, a young girl, who was just exercising free speech in an adult mature manner. I hope against hope, she sues you for slander and takes you for every ill gotten dollar you made through the years.

As a woman who matured way too early physically, I remember traumas that I received from older men speaking to me and attempting inappropriate things with me, not realising I was 9 and 10 years old. It sickened me and distorted my view of love and trust and society. Sure Sandra is a grown woman, but still quite young, and unlike my humiliation, hers was public for the whole country to hear, from somebody who was the leader of an army of 'dittoheads'. You are now and have been training your 'dittoheads' to disrespect, if not outright abuse women in their lives. There are people out there who say routinely, "Rush is the only one who tells the truth." So, your truth two weeks ago is, that women who get their contraception paid for should upload their sex acts for the 'taxpayers' to see. And all women who use birth control are sluts.

You take precious air wave time, and instead of using it for good, and for the betterment of our American Family, you use it as a bully pulpit for you pathetic agendas. If you had something legitimate to say, you would be able to say it, and reasonable people would respond. However because, you do not have a reasonable agenda you lie, cheat, make outrageous comments in the name of 'satire', and you divide a country that is falling apart; and you are doing this now because you don't think contraception should be covered by insurance???

Now, how about the intellectual reaction: Rush, you don't take a pill every time you have sex, so your statement about Sandra having so much sex that she can't afford, was just plain stupid. Rush, the pill is a Hormonal therapy and is used for more than birth control, not that there is anything wrong with birth control. And if you feel there is something wrong with birth control, my man, please tell me why you have had four wives and no children? I digress, hormonal therapies are used for woman with heavy, life threatening periods like I've had and other medical conditions that wouldn't enter your horny little brain. Sandra was speaking on behalf of a friend who lost an Ovary, so how did your radio discourse turn to Sandra's sex life? Don't you listen? Or more likely, were you changing the story to fit your little comedy act at her expense? Rush, taxpayers are not asked to pick up the bill, it is private insurance companies, yes in the case of medicare, taxpayers would pay. First of all we all pay for taxes on things we do not like. It is called sharing the burden with your fellow citizens. You claim to be a patriot, then be a patriot and help other American. This is how we maintain a strong country. It is cheaper in the long run to pay for contraception than for the Insurance companies/tax payers to pay for the consequences down the line, simple logic. The way you speak, you might as well have a bumper sticker on your oversized limo that say, "I love my country, it's the people I can't stand".

To paraphrase what you said about our President back in '09, Rush, I really hope you fail this time. You have gotten back up through drug scandals and more importantly your hate talk. This must all stop! You need to re-examine your moral priciples and do something good with your life.

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